Are you accredited by the Department of Education?
Yes, we have been accredited since 1968.
How will we know we made the right choice by enrolling in Sacred Heart School?
We have had thousands of alumni who are now notable and successful leaders in the Philippines and around the world. We also allow free trial classes.
How will my child adjust to school?
For our pre-school students, we have seen them adapt to school in a few days or 1-2 weeks. For our elementary aged students, it takes less than 1 week.
Until when will we do the hybrid (online and face-to-face) learning set-up?
Face-to-face classes are now being offered but we take into consideration the values and opinions of the parents. We will continue the hybrid learning set-up for the safety of students, families, and teachers. Set-up is subject to change for School Year 2023-2024.